Making money online is possible if you have these basic 4 strengths.
1. Preparedness to learn. This is vital for internet success
2. Apply what you learn. This is the basic reason why most internet marketers fail. They either do not apply, or when they do its half hearted.
3. That takes us to the third aspect. When you apply, diligently. Even if the marketer is hardworking, there are circumstances where he may not be diligent i.e. sloppy sales copy, website etc
4. Tendency to give up quickly. The truth is that every day, marketers are bombarded with new juicy offers that they just to the next hot opportunity without optimising the old one. This is a shame.
Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the greatest management gurus who have lived said that any successful businessman, has a monomaniac spirit i.e. someone who is focused on only one thing.
Most internet marketers finally give up without expending themselves enough. Perhaps the biggest reason is that they put in so little money compared to other business. It’s like MLM
If one sunk in $500,000, he would think twice or perhaps thrice before throwing in the towel
And again, for efforts to prove worthwhile online, lets face the facts, it does take time in the sense of building up a list and traffic over time. This is achieved incrementally.
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