Monday, May 7, 2007
To make money online, you need traffic. Traffic means website visitors.
Now, how do I get traffic. I will recommend only two here.
The first are solo ads
1. A solo ad is an email sales copy sent to the entire (not in all cases though) mailing list of an e-zine.
This can help in creating a mailing list as your ad will reach thousands and in some cases 100's of thousands.
Supposing you sent a solo to a 10,000 subscriber base ezine. Suppose 10% of them click your ad and 25% click your link, you'll have received 250 visitors to your site.
Assuming your product has a conversion rate of 1 in 50, you have will have sold 5 products which at say $25 commission each would yield you $125. This is a worse case scenario. I am a very bad marketer-I ensure I tell the truth and work with it!
And note for a list of 10,000, you may pay no more than $20 which will be a good return for investment.
How then do I produce a good solo that will yield astounding results?
First and foremost, you need a great product, preferably one with high conversion rate. Good through the sales copy and if it pulls you to buy, then it may be the ideal product. Do you have any in mind?
The next step is to create a good headline. This headline must be soo pulling and it appeals to the subscriber to click to read your sales copy. You therefore need a learn how to produce great headlines in order to achieve excellent results.
The next step you need excellent sales copy that also converts like crazy. This is easier than you can imagine. What is vital is that you apply the A.I.D.A principle. If you desire a free e-book on how to write money pulling sales letters, then send me an email at with title "SEND ME THE SALES LETTER E-BOOK ARIYO NOW" and I'll have it sent to you.
Alternatively, if you want it super easy i.e produce money making sales copy in minutes, then you better get Ultimate Sales Letters. You can use it again and again to earn you thousands if not millions over many years.
The next step is to find an e-zine that targets your desired market. Check out and for ezines to advertise in.
For internet marketers, I suggest as they have over 300,000 subscribers and hence you are guaranteed superb results!
The next form of generating traffic is article writing
Article writing has been praised as the number one means of marketing online and best of all its free.
All the marketer has to do is to write articles with his bio-signature that has links to his webistes and then submits to e-zine article directories. The articles must be keyword rich so they can be located by search engine robots and also by readers when searching for an article related to your topic.
A lot of e-zine owners go to these directories to obtain articles to use on their websites.
If these ezine owners like your article, they will send your article to their entire mailing list including your bio-signature therefore sending you a lot of traffic.
Other private visitors do so to access free qualitative information. While browsing, they may click on the link on your bio-signature and may buy your products.
For article writing to work though, there are two ways
1. Write very high quality articles that are appeal to ezine article owners has they only want quality articles to send to their mailing list. Make sure the article is top notch and highly researched.
For this approach to also work, you will need to have a superb websites which will give you credibility in the eyes of the ezine owner as he will not be pleased sending his subscribers in his list to your website as that would make him look bad.
2. The alternative is to write 100's of articles, even if short ones. If you are good in a certain niche, trust me you can write hundreds in a month. What to write comes to you effortlessly.
It is assumed that each article brings in an average of $20. If you therefore have 200 articles, you can be assured of $4000 monthly for years to come.
I advise that you convert non-buying traffic to your mailing list by offering an e-book or a super 7 day course. This will generate income for years to come.
To two best article directories are and There are several more such as,,,,,,,,,, and There are actually hundreds of article directories and ould be hard subnitting to all and that takes us to the next topic on how to guarantee huge results effortlessly.
To obtain the best results I advise you lay your hands on these two great two products that will produce unimaginable results.
One is Dylan Loh's Secret Profit Report. This e-book provides comprehensive means of generating massive income mlike he does from article writing.
And further more, I advise you use an article submitter. This software submits your articles to hundred of articles directories online. You can imagine the surge in traffic that would produce and the time also.
You can try Ross Gold article submitter . It also comes with some great freebies. You can earn back you money in less than a week. Product also comes with a money back guarantee so you have nothing to loose.
If you do not like writing articles, then search for PLR sites on the net for articles you can customize to your taste. You will have to pay but they take out the work from you.
You can locate a list of PLR sites from Dylam loh's Secret Profit Report. You won't regret buying it and comes also witha no questions asked guarantee. What more could you ask.
This is wishing you the best in driving traffic to your websites
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