Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Don’t Get Sidetracked – And DON’T Miss Out


It doesn't get any easier than this...

We've all heard the gloom and doom of the Internet Is Dead,and you know... some people really believe it...

Well, I just think it's a well-planned controversy.

However, to each their own but if you do fear such athing... then this is what you can do right now to be sureyou'll be where the hungry markets are - no matter what.

Niche Marketing... YES!... Because that's where you'll findsmall ponds of gold in other hot markets where you'll fishfar away from Internet Marketing.

*Important Tip* Smart marketers are involved with nichemarkets they keep well under the radar - and YOU should bedoing the same too.

BUT don't go with just any niche products because if you do,you'll easily get lost in a niche traffic jam.

And this is what I like about the ground floor profits youcan get in on here. It's limited - but that's good to keepmarket saturation down.

There's only 157 spots left out of 500 last I checked.So you can still get in if you hurry...

Here's where you can get HIGH-QUALITY niche products thatwill keep you in supply like a niche product warehouse.

With this you can keep your customers happy on a continualmonth by month basis. The tedious work of product creationhas already been done for you and you'll never run out offresh new products here...

it doesn't get any easier than this...
AUTOMATIC NICHE PROFITS (get in on the ground floor while it's still available)

To your success,
Aries King

Hundreds Have Already Signed On


I used this one in a resource highlight issue:

Now let me mention this week's resource highlights that
represents things that are "ALIVE" in internet marketing
that can help you succeed in today's internet...

* Automatic Niche Profits features an all-new line of PLR
products that not only come in digital ebook format BUT they
also come in audio AND video too.

More than half have already sold out, so hurry because now
is the time to get in on the ground floor - don't wait
before all the spots are gone.

Hurry to

Kevin Lynch Proves That You Can Make

Money With AutomaticNicheProfits.com

Is This Video Not Working?

Install The Latest Flash Version by Clicking Here Now!

Announcing The Launch Of Automatic Niche Profits


Do you want in on the ground floor of this?...

Today, an idea whose time has come has arrived!

It's limited to only 500 people and that's to ensure thecompetitive advantage...
What is it?...
You've heard of the wildly profitable Private Label Rights products that have become so successful online and for manyit's a quite lucrative business.

I myself have made thousands off of a little PLR ebook so Iknow the real potential here first hand...

But maybe you never tried to profit from PLR or maybe you'requite experienced with it...
Either way no problem at all because listen to this...

Paul Kleinmeulman, a known Private Label Rights expert hashas taken PLR to the very next level and he wants to takeYOU along with it.

If you're in a hurry - visit this page here... AUTOMATIC NICHE PROFITS

Now you can get in on the ground floor of something brandnew to the PLR world.
And here's the twist...

Previously, Private Label Rights products were mostlylimited to digital print products like, ebooks, mainly...


Not only does Paul's all-new line of PLR products come indigital ebook format BUT they also come in audio AND videotoo! This brings things fully alive with sound and motion.in a new market of PLR media.

You now have 3 hot selling formats WITH Private Label Rightsand these become your very own products you can sell andkeep 100% of the profits.

It's called Automatic Niche Profits and the word is the 500spots available won't be around for long...

So {FIRSTNAME}, hurry because now is the time to get in onthe ground floor of this break-through line of PLR mediaproducts - don't wait till all the spots are gone

To your success,
Aries King

Saturday, September 8, 2007



Do you really want to $20 a day? Then you better read this article.

$20 a day is possible if you simply follow the steps I list below.

First and foremost, join a forum. The best forum again is the warriorforum.

Next locate a $7 e-book that comes with resale rights or the $7 script. If you believe the e-book is good you can resell it to members of the forum.

Now, how do I market it to members of a forum?

The best way is to use your signature to do that.

What is a signature? Your signature is the addendum that comes with every post you make in the forum either telling them about yourself or offering a product or service, or a mixture of the two.

Just go to warriorforum and you'd see these signatures accompanying many posts by members.

All you have to do is copy them and include your own offer and you are on to $20 a day or more.And may I say "guaranteed!"

Awesome Freebie course worth $47 with a..

Thursday, September 6, 2007



Its been long since I updated my blog. I have been very, very busy.

Now the topic today is : are you a member of a forum.

To make it in internet marketing, joining a forum is a must. Those who think they can make it without joining a forum may not be living in lala land but it does help.

In a forum, you not only learn from the variety of post users place but you also have the opportunity of asking questions. Answers to these questions are priceless.
For instance, which autoresponders should I use, Getresponse.com or Aweber.com

Or you could even ask, whether Aweber is alright. Answers received again are priceless.

Another great benefit of forums are that you can use them to market to members. You do this by using your signature.

Your signature can include your offer as long as you meet the rules of the forum. Note though that this may be limited to internet marketing forums only. Many niche forums do not accept signatures as they do not like people marketing on them.

Which is the best forum for internet marketers. It is without doubt, the warriorforum.com

Here you meet all kinds of marketers, to the millionaires such as Reese, to the greatest of clowns. I repeat, it is without doubt the best on the Net.

Don't forget to try out the WSO. That stands for Warrior Special Offer. That is offers given to fellow warriors at below the true value. Many warriors have made a killing through it.

Here is wishing you success online! Do join the warriorforum today. You will not regret it

Awesome Freebie course worth $47 with a..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007




Monday, May 7, 2007



To make money online, you need traffic. Traffic means website visitors.

Now, how do I get traffic. I will recommend only two here.

The first are solo ads

1. A solo ad is an email sales copy sent to the entire (not in all cases though) mailing list of an e-zine.

This can help in creating a mailing list as your ad will reach thousands and in some cases 100's of thousands.

Supposing you sent a solo to a 10,000 subscriber base ezine. Suppose 10% of them click your ad and 25% click your link, you'll have received 250 visitors to your site.

Assuming your product has a conversion rate of 1 in 50, you have will have sold 5 products which at say $25 commission each would yield you $125. This is a worse case scenario. I am a very bad marketer-I ensure I tell the truth and work with it!

And note for a list of 10,000, you may pay no more than $20 which will be a good return for investment.

How then do I produce a good solo that will yield astounding results?

First and foremost, you need a great product, preferably one with high conversion rate. Good through the sales copy and if it pulls you to buy, then it may be the ideal product. Do you have any in mind?

The next step is to create a good headline. This headline must be soo pulling and it appeals to the subscriber to click to read your sales copy. You therefore need a learn how to produce great headlines in order to achieve excellent results.

The next step you need excellent sales copy that also converts like crazy. This is easier than you can imagine. What is vital is that you apply the A.I.D.A principle. If you desire a free e-book on how to write money pulling sales letters, then send me an email at aristotlelus@yahoo.com with title "SEND ME THE SALES LETTER E-BOOK ARIYO NOW" and I'll have it sent to you.

Alternatively, if you want it super easy i.e produce money making sales copy in minutes, then you better get Ultimate Sales Letters. You can use it again and again to earn you thousands if not millions over many years.

The next step is to find an e-zine that targets your desired market. Check out www.ezine-dir.com and www.ezinelisting.com for ezines to advertise in.

For internet marketers, I suggest dollarmines.com as they have over 300,000 subscribers and hence you are guaranteed superb results!

The next form of generating traffic is article writing

Article writing has been praised as the number one means of marketing online and best of all its free.

All the marketer has to do is to write articles with his bio-signature that has links to his webistes and then submits to e-zine article directories. The articles must be keyword rich so they can be located by search engine robots and also by readers when searching for an article related to your topic.

A lot of e-zine owners go to these directories to obtain articles to use on their websites.

If these ezine owners like your article, they will send your article to their entire mailing list including your bio-signature therefore sending you a lot of traffic.

Other private visitors do so to access free qualitative information. While browsing, they may click on the link on your bio-signature and may buy your products.

For article writing to work though, there are two ways

1. Write very high quality articles that are appeal to ezine article owners has they only want quality articles to send to their mailing list. Make sure the article is top notch and highly researched.

For this approach to also work, you will need to have a superb websites which will give you credibility in the eyes of the ezine owner as he will not be pleased sending his subscribers in his list to your website as that would make him look bad.

2. The alternative is to write 100's of articles, even if short ones. If you are good in a certain niche, trust me you can write hundreds in a month. What to write comes to you effortlessly.

It is assumed that each article brings in an average of $20. If you therefore have 200 articles, you can be assured of $4000 monthly for years to come.

I advise that you convert non-buying traffic to your mailing list by offering an e-book or a super 7 day course. This will generate income for years to come.

To two best article directories are ezinearticles.com and goarticles.com. There are several more such as,ideamarketers.com,ideamarketers.com/writers.cfm,learningfolder.com/submitarticle.aspx,Linksnoop.com,mailbiz.com,www.makingprofit.com,www.marcommwise.com,marketing-seek.com,marketing-seek.com/articles/submit.shtml,mastersyndicator.com and maxebook.com. There are actually hundreds of article directories and ould be hard subnitting to all and that takes us to the next topic on how to guarantee huge results effortlessly.

To obtain the best results I advise you lay your hands on these two great two products that will produce unimaginable results.

One is Dylan Loh's Secret Profit Report. This e-book provides comprehensive means of generating massive income mlike he does from article writing.

And further more, I advise you use an article submitter. This software submits your articles to hundred of articles directories online. You can imagine the surge in traffic that would produce and the time also.

You can try Ross Gold article submitter . It also comes with some great freebies. You can earn back you money in less than a week. Product also comes with a money back guarantee so you have nothing to loose.

If you do not like writing articles, then search for PLR sites on the net for articles you can customize to your taste. You will have to pay but they take out the work from you.

You can locate a list of PLR sites from Dylam loh's Secret Profit Report. You won't regret buying it and comes also witha no questions asked guarantee. What more could you ask.

This is wishing you the best in driving traffic to your websites

Awesome Freebie course worth $47 with a..

Friday, April 27, 2007

What I learnt about SEO from my Google adsense


I am new into SEO game but I am now interested in learning fast after the experience below

The other day,I decided to have a new submission for my blog. It was on article submission.

Upon posting it, I noticed something immediately. My adwords on my blog changed. I was initially amazed at this. Adsense started showing ads related to article submissions.

I quickly changed the header and the first few words and voila, the ads now changed to that for money making opportunities which I much prefer.

I now remember what SEO experts say about content. That the headlines and the first 100 words are very important to the search robots and I now agree with that.

I appreciate finding this out myself. It re-enforces into my mind 10,000% what I am learning. It is also proof that the experts are not lying.

Will you like to share with us any information you have about SEO?

Internet Marketers Guide To Free Traffic !

Pre-selling- The Online Money Spinning Marketing Tool

Internet Marketers Guide To Free Traffic !
No one likes being sold to. The prospect believes you are in it for yourself. Hence, the antagonisms often shown to salesmen.

There is a way round this. And that is pre-selling

What is pre-selling? This is the subtle act of providing useful or educative information before hand that will progress to a sale.

For example, assuming you are selling a book on affiliate marketing. You can write an article titled "5 ways to increase your affiliate checks."At the end of the article you then put a link to your e-book that shows the prospect how to turbo-charge his affiliate checks. Upon reading the article, he then clicks your bio-signature link which leads to a landing page that leads to the product. It has be shown be a great way to sell. At least, it does work on the author!

Pre-selling is an art but can surely be learned. It is commonly used in bio-signatures by authors when writing articles. If the reader of the article believes the author has more information to offer them, they now click on the link in his bio which links up to the authors desired landing page. What ever product or service the author intends to sell at this stage may well be considered sold.

What is essential in pre-selling is to tickle the curiosity of your prospect. That is the first goal.

How do you tickle the interest? As earlier mentioned, by providing useful information.

This should not be difficult. Think of the products you are currently marketing and your mind will find useful tips to give your prospects.

What follows this is for the prospect to read your article. Make sure the information provided inside is useful. Note that the more useful it is, the more likely he will purchase any product you intend selling. Ensure therefore it is of high quality.

The next step which is the bread and butter is to add a bio-signature at the end of the article. This bio-signature must tickle the interest of the prospect further to impel a click on your link which will lead to the product that is being sold.

Once the prospect has clicked the link, the writer may soon be smiling to the bank.

It has proven to be a powerful form of marketing and all marketers should therefore adopt it

So the next time you think of selling, first think pre-sell!

Internet Marketers Guide To Free Traffic !


Three Critical Success Traits Shared By "Mom & Pop" Type

Web Sites That Are Earning $100,000 to $600,000 Every Year

I became a member of this new private web site, SecretsToTheirSuccess.com, that
shares the Internet marketing secrets of real people, just like you and me, who
are earning $100,000+ per year with their own Internet businesses.

Just to give
you some background, I'll tell you that every month, this site shares two new
real-life stories of successful "Mom & Pop" type sites,
providing in-depth interviews with the site owners and asking really tough questions
about the exact steps, strategies, tools, and software that
these people have used to build and grow their sites to their current success.

For example, two success stories that I just finished checking
out are:

Real-Life Case Study #1
— Robert Clark

See exactly how Robert Clark turned his $275 a week paycheck
into a highly profitable online business that takes him only 2 hours
each day to run
... while earning him over $250,000 a year in

Real-Life Case Study #2
— Ken Calhoun

Ken grossed over $98,000 in sales with his Internet business
in 2000 (his first full year online) and then tripled his sales to earn
over $300,000 last year
almost all of it profit,
all from his beachfront condo in Hawaii.

... as well
as many other "real people" just like you
and me who are creating a fortune on the Internet!

If you'd like to check out these success
stories for yourself right now, and personally discover these "No
BS" examples of real people making real money

on the Internet, then click here now to get the exact
step-by-step details of how they're doing it!

reading these interviews is a really powerful way to guarantee the success of
your own web site, because you're getting a personal insider's tour of
real sites, run by real people, that are making real money!

as I was reading through the latest success stories, I couldn't help but notice
that, despite dramatic differences in the business models they use and the products
and services they sell, these successful web site owners all share three common
"success traits" that played a major role in growing their online
sales to $100,000 to $600,000 a year...

Success Trait #1:

First of all,
one of the reason's why they're sooooo successful NOW is because they didn't let
their lack of knowledge stop them. Despite the fact that many of them had no computer
experience, never mind experience using the Internet -- and despite the fact that
many had never owned a business before -- they just plain got started
nd didn't worry about making everything "perfect"
the first time.

I'm not talking about rocket-scientists here. These are regular people, like you
and me, who started running their web sites out of their own homes and are now
making $100,000 to $600,000 a year with their sites.

And believe
it or not, almost all of them were making a profit from day-one! Sure,
they weren't all making buckets of cash right away; but their profits increased
quickly as they continued to improve on what they started with.

Success Trait #2:

I've already
mentioned that these successful web site owners didn't worry about making everything
"perfect" right away. And this is important, because rather
than overload themselves by trying to become Internet marketing gurus BEFORE they
got started, they just dove in and focused on one marketing strategy
at a time,
working extremely hard to maximize their profits with one
strategy before moving onto the next.

This is a
trait that really amazed me because even though these successful web site owners
are earning substantial incomes from their web sites, they ALL talk about how
they plan to snowball their profits and sales even more by
strategically adding another strategy... and another strategy... and another strategy...
to their web sites, one at a time.

Success Trait #3:

the one point that kept coming up again and again, sometimes two or three times
in a single interview, was that all of these successful site owners confess they
could have been earning a MUCH bigger income MUCH faster had
they only avoided the costly mistakes started educating themselves sooner.

And that's
probably the most critical trait these success stories share -- they've all committed
to educating themselves about the most profitable marketing strategies and techniques.

In fact, I
could literally go on for pages and pages reeling off the hundreds of invaluable
marketing strategies, techniques, tools, and software recommendations that these
people share in their interviews, based on their own real-life experiences
and commitment to educating themselves.

However, I
know it will mean much more when you hear, straight from the horse's mouth, these...

"No BS" Examples Of Real
Real Money
on the Internet...

you want to automatically skip the failing promotions, and
start learning the tested, proven strategies that real businesses have already
proven to be enormously successful, then I'd highly recommend that you visit http://dynamic.secretstotheirsuccess.com/t.cgi/866618
a private tour of "Mom & Pop" web sites that earn $100,000
to $600,000 a year and discover the exact step-by-step strategies
they have personally used to generate these massive profits!

will instantly be exposed to extremely successful netrepreneurs like...

Real-Life Case Study #3
— Andy Bryant

Andy's site is generating
an impressive $50,000 in sales per month...
and even Andy's a bit surprised
to discover that his $600,000 a year online income is the result
of his own self-proclaimed vain quest to reverse his own hairloss!

Real-Life Case Study #4
Ellen Cagnassola

Ellen is a work-at-home mom who produces homemade, personalized
glycerin soaps. Discover the strategies she used to expand her offline
business onto the Web
, and how she gets big companies (like Johnson
and Johnson) to distribute and sell her soaps for her... earning a hefty
online income at the same time!

Real-Life Case Study #5
— Kelly Monaghan

Kelly Monaghan has quite literally built a $200,000+
Web business around his lifestyle.
While he's bumping across Tibet in
a jeep or white water rafting in Nepal, his four successful sites continue to
bank his sales and profits....

... plus many, many more!

I first came across http://dynamic.secretstotheirsuccess.com/t.cgi/866618
I was shocked to find REAL successful people just like you and me who were willing
to give away their most coveted Internet marketing secrets.

if you want to skip the failing promotions, I highly recommend that you click here now and learn the "No
BS Strategies
" these real people are using to
make real money on the Internet!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Free Cell Phones

With what I have experienced so far online,I think the key is patience,persistence and have a strategy which you stick to, tweak when you have to or restrategise if you need to.

Lets start with patience. Most people believe making money online is a piece of cake. That just send out a few ads and you have $$$$ waiting for you!Unfortunately it does not work that way.

Its work, work and work. And its learning,failing and learning. With the necessary patience, if you don't give up, you will definitely make it.

Let me give you my own example.

In a recent development, I placed a number of ads expecting to be flooded with loads of positive responses i.e. money in the bank. But guess what , nothing happened! Man, did I want to die.

But rather than give up, I decided to tweak the ad and guess what I started getting responses. The normal response should have been to give up

Most of us and even I have several times been guilty of giving up and seeking something else to do.

Another sign of lack of patience is that we expect too much so soon.

We write a few articles and we expect all the traffic in the world and when it does not show up, we scream the house down. Or we place adverts and guess what, no responses. Though dispiriting, never give up.

Understand this. Many drops many a mighty ocean. Even little response building up incremental will eventually become a flood. And as you make mistakes,you learn! When you apply what you learn, then the money starts rolling in!

Hence never give up but exercise patience. To make money online, you need patience .Results don't come in one day.

I hope you are enjoying this thread. I will keep you posted

Monday, April 16, 2007


Making money on the Net is the goal of any internet marketer. Achieving that goal however is another thing altogether.

It is said that 95% of internet marketers fail to make any sizable income from all their activities. This is a shame and pitiful. One reason for this is the lack of persistence.

Many join one opportunity after the other and give up when the expected returns fail to show up on time. How many of you have joined one internet opportunity to simply give up when the profits did not arrive at your appointed hour? When this happens, we simply jettison that opportunity and jump unto the next one.

As any successful webmaster can attest, Rome was not built in a day. Most believe all the bullshit ads they read such as “Make $500 a Day” and dive into internet marketing with that mentality. When reality sets in, disillusionment eventually accompanies it.

To eventually earn that $500 a day, you simply have to be persistence. The money is in not giving up.

The primary reason why persistence is crucial is that the money is the conversion rate. Why I harp on the conversion rate is that it is perhaps the key factor in dictating what comes in income wise.

First of all, what is the conversion rate.

The conversion rate is the purchase rate of a product based on the number of prospects it was sent to i.e. If an e-book is sent to a mailing list of 1000subscribers and only 10 buy, that means the product has a conversion rate of 1 in 100. That means if you determined to sell a 1000 copies, you will have to send it to a 100,000 people based on the conversion rate.

From the above example, one therefore needs to achieve the necessary critical mass in traffic in order to obtain the desired returns. Those who can make $500 a day or even an hour already have a huge mailing list, a marketable name on the Net, ready Joint Venture partners, tons of type in traffic to their websites. What I am trying to put across is that they already have the traffic! A load of traffic multiplied with the conversion rate is where the money is. This has already been explained. Ask any marketer.

And since most do not have ready made traffic, you have to build it and this takes time! This I repeat, takes time!

All successful marketers bar none have gone through that phase already. One therefore has to exercise the needed patience in developing tons of ready made traffic.

Another reason why persistence is necessary is that it takes time and effort to fully master most endeavors. This rings true in online marketing as well.

Let us use an example here i.e. Google adwords. You begin using Google adwords to drive traffic to your website and hope that traffic comes in. You expect to make at least 4-5sales daily.

But when you check your stats, you see 10 impressions in a day, no clicks and no sales. You then decide to tweak the campaign, either by increasing the bid rates and bringing in more keyword. You check the next day, there is still no improvement. You continue tweaking for a week and it is still unsatisfactory. Should one give up then?

The truth is no. People are making money with adwords hence if you just stick in long enough, you will sufficiently master it and it start yielding income. You could try starting campaigns on different subjects, asking questions in forums, buying every e-book dealing with the subject and before you know it, you become a guru yourself! Would that not be nice?

To achieve the above therefore, you must make up your mind not to give up, that failure is not an option.

For persistence however to bear good fruit, you need to have pragmatic expectations. Don’t expect to make money within a week from any opportunity if you do not have a list. Give yourself 3-6months. This is truly reasonable time. This is not as long as seems as many unsuccessful marketers have been online for years! They are unjust impatient!

Is it not worth the wait if it eventually brings in $5,000 monthly? Many marketers sigh when they remember the opportunities they had dropped by the wayside and now be bringing in trickles today instead of the flood of cash that it should.

Let me tell you the story about a now successful webmaster that started out with an e-book about dog bites. Interestingly, he disliked dogs with a passion but knew that such a book would bring him money and again, had never written a book before

His spoken English is poor and I am sure his written will be worse. These facts however did not deter the guy. He strongly believed that to make it online, one needed to write an e-book.

He went to a forum and sought help and was persistent. And boy was he fortunately! He got someone to produce this e-book for him free! The rest is history. That e-book was at a time bringing him $2,000 monthly in cash. That is the value of persistence.

There is an African proverb that says ‘You can never get lost if you ask for directions.' If you are determined to persist till the end, you will definitely find a way. The desire not to fail or give up forces one to keep seeking help rather than throw in the towel prematurely.

So marketers, remember, that in any endeavor, whether online or offline, you need to have a persistent spirit in order to sail through successful. With such a spirit, you will surmount any mountain that comes your way!

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Thursday, April 5, 2007


Free Cell Phones

Making money online is possible if you have these basic 4 strengths.

1. Preparedness to learn. This is vital for internet success

2. Apply what you learn. This is the basic reason why most internet marketers fail. They either do not apply, or when they do its half hearted.

3. That takes us to the third aspect. When you apply, diligently. Even if the marketer is hardworking, there are circumstances where he may not be diligent i.e. sloppy sales copy, website etc

4. Tendency to give up quickly. The truth is that every day, marketers are bombarded with new juicy offers that they just to the next hot opportunity without optimising the old one. This is a shame.

Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the greatest management gurus who have lived said that any successful businessman, has a monomaniac spirit i.e. someone who is focused on only one thing.

Most internet marketers finally give up without expending themselves enough. Perhaps the biggest reason is that they put in so little money compared to other business. It’s like MLM

If one sunk in $500,000, he would think twice or perhaps thrice before throwing in the towel

And again, for efforts to prove worthwhile online, lets face the facts, it does take time in the sense of building up a list and traffic over time. This is achieved incrementally.

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